
Per our rigorous quality standards, we strive to continuously improve all aspects of our company performance—one of the most important of which is jobsite safety.

Our owners, management, and employees have worked together to establish a program to improve all areas of job safety.  Some of our safety initiatives include:

  • Hiring a full-time Director of Safety
  • Utilizing a Safety Committee
  • Setting specific safety goals, policies, and responsibilities
  • Providing continual, extensive safety education and training through both in-house training and outside seminars
  • Giving employees safety-related incentives and rewards
  • Implementing all safety programs required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

We continually monitor and upgrade our safety program to ensure a steady decline in our EMR (Experience Modification Rate) and loss day case incidence rate.  Our EMR is also extremely low at 0.88.  An EMR below 1.0 is considered excellent.

Our insurance carrier also provides additional safety services, including jobsite inspections, training, and analysis.

Increased jobsite safety helps not only to avoid incidents but enhances field production and keeps insurance costs low.